Ledger® Live* Login | Getting Started

Ledger® Live* Login. Ledger Live Dashboard: Once the setup is complete, you'll likely have access to the Ledger Live dashboard, where you can manage and monitor your cryptocurrency.

Get Start With Ledger Live

To log in to Ledger Live, follow these detailed steps:

  1. Download and Install Ledger Live:

    • If you haven't already, download the Ledger Live application from the official Ledger website.

    • Install the application on your computer (Windows, macOS, Linux) or mobile device (iOS, Android).

  2. Set Up Ledger Live:

    • Open the Ledger Live application.

    • Follow the on-screen instructions to set up Ledger Live, including choosing a password for the application. This password will be required every time you open Ledger Live.

  3. Connect Your Ledger Device:

    • Plug in your Ledger hardware wallet (Ledger Nano S, Ledger Nano X, etc.) to your computer using a USB cable or connect via Bluetooth if using a compatible device like Ledger Nano X and a mobile device.

    • Unlock your Ledger device by entering your PIN code on the device.

  4. Pair Your Ledger Device with Ledger Live:

    • In the Ledger Live application, navigate to the "Manager" tab.

    • The application will prompt you to allow the Ledger Manager on your hardware wallet. Confirm this on your Ledger device by pressing the buttons.

  5. Add Accounts:

    • After pairing, go to the "Accounts" tab in Ledger Live.

    • Click "Add account," select the cryptocurrency you want to manage, and follow the instructions to add your account.

    • Ledger Live will scan your Ledger device for accounts and add them to the application.

  6. Access Your Portfolio:

    • Once accounts are added, you can view your portfolio, send and receive cryptocurrencies, and perform other functions available in Ledger Live.

  7. Login Procedure:

    • Every time you open Ledger Live, you will need to enter the password you set up during the initial setup.

    • To perform transactions or manage accounts, you will need to connect and unlock your Ledger hardware wallet and confirm actions on the device.

Troubleshooting Tips:

  • Firmware and Software Updates: Ensure your Ledger device firmware and Ledger Live software are up to date.

  • Connection Issues: Check USB/Bluetooth connections, restart devices if necessary, and try different ports or cables.

  • Security Software: Ensure that antivirus or firewall settings are not blocking Ledger Live.

  • Support: If you encounter issues, refer to the Ledger Live support page for detailed guides and troubleshooting tips.

Following these steps should help you successfully log in and use Ledger Live with your Ledger hardware wallet.

Last updated